Temat: Preset Simple - ćwiczenia


Czasowniki w nawiasie wstaw w czasie Present Simple - usuń TO i zastanów się czy nalezy dodać slub es czy nic nie dodasz

  • School ________________(to finish) at three o’clock.
  • My mum _________________(to like) classical music.
  • Toni __________________(to play) football every Saturday.
  • My cousin ________________(to go) to school by bus.
  • My grandparents ___________________(to speak) French.
  • My grandfather ___________________(to love) pizza.
  • Paul and Kate _____________________(to study) English every day.
  • Kate _____________________(to study) maths at university.
  • My brother ________________ (to do) his homework on the bus.
  • Children _________________(to like) eating a lot of chocolate.
  • She ____________________(to watch) TV every evening.
  • He _____________________(to stay) at home on Saturdays.




Utwórz pytania, przeczenia i zdania twierdzace zgodnie z zasadami

  • I ______________________(not , to like) playing football.
  • _______________________( you/ to like) playing football with your friends?
  • _______________________(he/ to listen) to rap music?
  • She _____________________(not, to listen) to rock music.
  • My friends ______________________(not, to go) swimming on Saturdays.
  • ___________________________(your friends/ to go) swimming every Saturday?
  • My friend ______________________(not, to live) in Beirut.
  • _______________________(your friend/ to live) in Zalka?
  • He ____________________(to speak) Italian.
  • She __________________(to wash) her hands when she ________________(to eat) a sandwich.
  • They _________________(to watch) TV in the evenings.


Zakleśl właściwe słowo

  1. I plays / play tennis every afternoon.
  2. My parents live / lives in Ramat-Gan.
  3. Tom listens / listen to the radio in the morning.
  4. We eat / eats eggs for breakfast every morning.
  5. My dog barks / bark at night.
  6. Mrs. Gold sweep / sweeps the stairs once a week.
  7. My brother never watches / watch television.
  8. My family go / goes to the beach together in the summer.
  9. I often eat / eats dinner at my grandmother’s house.
  10. Sharon do / does her homework regularly.


 (C)       Wstaw czasownik w odpowiedniej formie Present Simple:

  1. Fish (not fly) ____________. They (swim) ____________
  2. The sun (not rise) ___________ in the west.
  3. A spider (not have) ____________ wings. A bird (have) ____________ wings.
  4. Cats (not bark) ____________. Dogs (do) ____________.
  5. Natalie usually (not sit) ____________ in the sun.
  6. Babies (not talk) ____________. They (cry) ____________.
  7. Dalia often (dry) ___________ the dishes.
  8. Betty usually (not do) __________ homework.
  9. Sarit (brush) ____________ her hair every morning.